[ EN | DE ]

I am passionate about everything that has the power to bring the current world into a fairer form of co­existence in which everyone can take the place that is right for them.

There needs to be a balancing act between the old and new worlds.

In the old world, you inevitably have to (!) deal with the dilapidated and absurd issue of making money today if you disagree to live as a parasite from others but you should do this in such a way that it impairs your unique being as little as possible and at the same time you can use a lot of your time and life energy to live your soul qualities.

Is your current profession in synch with your heart, values and soul ? How does your manifestation ability support you to become financially independent ? What is the purpose of your existence ?

If you already know that, then you can completely reinvent yourself professionally or fall back in love with your current job on the next higher level of abstraction/consciousness and self-realize there.

It's quite likely that your current job in which you are highly skilled or successful is already at least partially serving purpose of your being !

Which pedestal, which stage is not already occupied by someone else and serves your unique and authentic purpose of being here?

Sonnenaufgang in Järfträsk, Nordschweden im März 2023

I will give you holistic business management advisory on those questions and help you with the challenges that often arise during implementation of your heart's mission and values.

As a personal service, I will support you with your self-knowledge:
WHO am I? ?
WHAT exactly is the purpose of my existence? and
WHAT exactly does my soul have planned for me, especially professionally, in order to be able to develop freely in this old and ailing economic and monetary system?

Requirement: You are passionate about goals, dreams, niches or visions. Being a pensioner or live on the effort of others like a parasite completely paralyzes my soul and I can't support you with that.

Sonnenuntergang in Järfträsk, Nordschweden im März 2023

What are the steps?

The first step is to have clarity and recognition of your heart-/soul-based talent, which is money-generating.

Book a holistic business management consulting session to let me inspire you further towards profitable soul-based orientations through communication with your soul.

I will then be happy to support the implementation in order to better meet the challenges of achieving your passion project.

→ Offer types, prices and conditions here. ←

Rechtes Isarufer Höhe Ismaning Juni 2022

Videos on how I am working

Sharing my abilities to inspire and support you with your soul projects:

Using my soul skills in the context of working as IT specialist:

→ Offer types, prices and conditions here. ←

Westpeloponnes im Juli 2021

Are you aware which of your in­di­vi­duality characteris­tics and abilities lead to income and which exactly DO NOT?

I passionately work with those who

→ are quali­fied, feel comfort­able in their job and want to develop therein further,

→ would like to completely reinvent themselves professionally with elements from their previous work or

→ want to fall back in love again with their pro­fession on a next higher level of ab­straction / consciousness

→ Offer types, prices and conditions here. ←

Im Zauberwald von Sainte-Baume Frankreich Departement Var im September 2023

How much is your pro­fession in synch with your essence ?

Free and completely anony­mous self-checks:

→ quick test click here

→ advanced test click here

→ Offer types, prices and conditions here. ←

Blick von Wamberg auf das Wettersteingebirge im Januar 2023

Do you resonate with me and don't know why ?

→ If you intuitively resonate with me, if I am on your wavelength or you are touched by my statements, then there is no need to solve a problem, but I am the right "inspirer" from soul to soul

→ My offer described abstractly is a holisti­cally-oriented business-management-focussed unique­ness-, in­di­vi­duali­zation- and speciali­zation-clarifi­cation and  -inspiration

I make clear which aspects of your unique­ness and innated or created qualifi­cations can be converted into adequate income, self-/external-appreci­ation or inner wealth and where exactly you should focus on. 

→ In order to be not replace­able by arti­fi­cial intelli­gence (AI) or machine based learning (ML) in your creations and doings.

→ Offer types, prices and conditions here. ←

Möve über Säule am Markusplatz in Venedig im Januar 2023


Do you feel inter­changeable or not particularly demanded or at the wrong place in your pro­fessional field with your high qualifications ?

→ For more details click here. ←

Your heart business is not generating enough money or you are currently not receiving adequate income. Would you like to know your Cashcow-Talent ?

→ For more details click here. ←

→ You have a lot of good ideas, completed trainings or quali­fications and have no clarity on which card you should bet on ?

→ For more details click here. ←

→ Offer types, prices and conditions here. ←

Herbstbäume beim Lago di Sorapis in den Dolomiten im Oktober 2022

My competence

Abendstimmung im Fischleintal Dolomiten Februar 2023

→ I am worldwide the very one and only person who is researching on the topic Cashcow-Talent with the utmost enthusiasm, dedication and interest.

→ Know­ledge, experience and materiali­zation of high-talent for over more than 30 years (started 09/1987) as self-employed and inde­pendent free­lancer in the fields of IT, business adminis­tration, project manage­ment and organi­zation.

Natural talent on the subject of earning money, specialization, unique selling points, independence, uniqueness and qualification acquisition.

→ Very high empathy and sensitivity to capture your being.

Pioneer for independent and self-made solutions without any help from the outside world (mentally, emotionally, physically).

→ Extensive spiritual knowledge to consider all reasons, levels and effects of your being-doing (holistic view).

→ Training in soul communication and intuition so that our sources can connect to exchange information.

→ Ability to connect worlds and individual "universes", meaning the informations from all levels of our being, the physical ones and the non-physical ones to be able to distin­guish which truths is suitable earthly reali­zations and which ones have other purposes.

Gabriel im April 2023 in der Elbphilharmonie aussen auf dem Balkonrundgang

Gabriel Waldeyer

→ Offer types, prices and conditions here. ←

Blick in den Seceda Naturpark im Grödnertal im Oktober 2022

Step 1: Holistic business management consulting session

→ Duration ca. 90 minutes, pre and post work as part of the price.
Remote per Telegram/WhatsApp oder Jitsy-Video- or -Audio-Call.
Energy exchange exclusively using an alternative currency which is NOT exchangeable for FIAT money or crypto currency. Currently this is just Gradido (if you know someone else, please EMail).
→ Investition 300 GDD (= Gradido for 15 working hours of 20 GDD each for preparation and follow-up plus the qualification for your lifetime included). Register for Gradido: here.
→ Alternatively, I would also be happy to offer my services in exchange for yours as a win-win situation if needed and possible by/for both of us.

QR Code to the Gradido marketplace offer:

Turm, welcher der Maria Magdalena gewindmet ist in Rennes-les-Chateaux, Okzitanien im Oktober 2023>

Step 2: Project and crisis management to support the projects you are passionate about

Intensive remote support through all crises and challenges as they arise.
→ In the necessary length to develop solutions with spontaneous and neartime scheduling possibility via messenger. illing in 10 minute units.
→ Investment per unit: 20 GDD (Gradido = 1 h - lifetime qualification preparation included).

→ Only available if you have already booked an initial 90 minute intensive session ! Book your 10 Minute start unit then by using this link.

Barcelona Familia Segrada Oktober 2023

My package-offer for the "Turtle-/Whale-Type"

1:1 process accompaniment of 6 month duration.
Recurring inspiration video call for two hours, weekly, bi-weekly, three-weekly, monthly depending on the needs of the process.
→ During the accompanying time, impulses and clarification of questions via messenger at any time.
→ The result can be e.g. the clarification of the purpose of existence, your 0.1% uniqueness, the focus, your visions, dreams, your passion and/or mission for your professional life, which is reflected by me and checked on soul level.
→ Two days personal meeting respectively a common weekend journey, e.g. to the Dolomites in Italy.
→ Energetical follow-up accompaniment for again 6 month.
→ Investment per month: 1.000 GDD. Excluded: all kinds of travel expenses. Accepetence of liability and responsibility or travel organization see below.

→ Book your first and free information and get-to-know-each-other meeting by using this link.

Blick auf den Achensee vom Bärenkopf im Juli 2022

My package offer for the "Dolphin-/Dragon-Type"

7 days inspirational intensive research and clarification in Portugal / Spain, Germany / Austria, Lapland, Iceland or Greece with my intensive presence and awareness.
→ Through the being with dolphins, in the desert, snow, mountains or at the sea an expansion of consciousness and heart opening will happen.
→ Energetical follow-up accompaniment for 6 month after the 7-days-retreat.
Investment / energy compensation only for equivalent exchange of services when required on my part. Disclaimer and organizational responsibility see below.

→ Book your first and free information and get-to-know-each-other meeting by using this link.

Griechenland im Juli 2022


→ as you don't know me, I give every first-time client a Gradido-back guarantee within 14 days.

What is to be done after the sessions:
→ Details, what has to be done by you besides the session and how many appointments will be necessary can you read here.

Test tool session effectivity:
→ Free test tool to anonymousely preliminary check of my efficency for you here.

Time zone for bookings:
→ Time zone for the slots shown in the booking calender is: UTC+01/UTC+02 (CET/CEST).

Type of Offer and Liability:
→ None of my offers is in any form a travel event or organization of your travel. You are fully responsibe to organize all travel aspects by yourself!
→ Likewise, none of my offers replace a visit to a trained doctor, psychologist or naturopath. I only make yourself clear what's already inside you.
→ Due to the nature of this offer, the work on subtle levels, no liability can be accepted.
→ The above package prices are exclusive of any travel expenses, accommodation, meals, boat trip fees etc...

General terms and conditions of business:
→ you can read here.

Decke des Teatro La Fenice in Venedig im Januar 2023


Lago Sorapis in den Dolomiten im Oktober 2022

Brand ® is a registered brand.

Data protection declaration according to GDPR


Terms and conditions

Cookie consent


Abendlicher Blick vom Isarhochufer in München im Januar 2023

About me


Social Media

Vision, Mission, Passion

Wiki essential professional specialization

Wiki Specialization

Wiki Self-realization

Wiki Unique selling proposition (USP)

Wiki Individualism

Wiki Humane Market Economy (German)

Wiki Demurrage (Currency)

Prohibition of taking interest (Bible Leviticus 25:35)

Prohibition of taking interest (in the Qur'an "Riba")


What REMATON stands for

Purity promise


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